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React SDK Reference

The React SDK exports four pieces of functionality:

  • FanaConfig class
  • FanaClient class
  • FanaProvider React component
  • FanaContext React context


The FanaConfig class is used to instantiate a config object which is the first step to getting set up with the React SDK.

FanaConfig Constructor Parameters:

  • sdkKey: Expects a string representing your React SDK key. This is provided in the Dashboard's Settings page.
  • bearerAddress: Expects a string representing the address where the Flag Bearer is being hosted.
  • userContext: Expects an object containing the attributes pertaining to a user or session.
    • { userId: 'jjuy', beta: true, state: 'CA' }
    • This is an example. The attributes you provide will be dependent on your setup.

FanaConfig Instance Methods:


  1. Instantiates a FanaClient instance
  2. Asynchronously invokes and awaits the new client instance's getEvals method
  3. Returns the client instance object
  • Note that this method is automatically invoked when the FanaProvider component is passed the config prop. You will not need to invoke FanaConfig.prototype.connect() yourself.


The FanaClient class instantiates an object responsible for holding flag evaluation data and providing the essential evaluateFlags() method.

FanaClient Constructor Parameters:

  • config: Expects a FanaConfig instance.
  • Note that FanaConfig.prototype.connect() automatically instantiates the client instance for you, so you needn't do this yourself.

FanaClient Instance Methods:

FanaClient.prototype.evaluateFlag(flagKey, defaultValue)

This method takes two arguments:

  • flagKey: Expects a string representing the key of the flag that you wish to evaluate.
  • defaultValue: Expects a boolean representing what the evaluation should be in cases where flag data is unavailable, or the provided flagKey is invalid. This is optional and is false by default.

This method returns true or false based on the evaluation data held in the client instance.

The below methods are called automatically and are only here for reference. You needn't invoke these.


This method sends the User Context object to the Flag Bearer in a POST request. The Flag Bearer then evaluates all flags based on the provided User Context, and returns an object containing those evaluations. The client instance then stores it in its evals instance property.

This method is automatically invoked during Config.prototype.connect().

It's important that the React SDK Client never has access to the raw ruleset since it can contain sensitive user information. This is why the Flag Bearer pre-evaluate all flags before sending any data to the client.


This method simply updates the client instance's evals instance property with new evaluation data. This occurs when updates are streamed via the SSE connection with the Flag Bearer.

FanaProvider and FanaContext

FanaProvider is a React Component that you use to wrap your other app components. It provides access to the FanaContext for all of your React components, allowing you to use the client instance's evaluateFlag() method anywhere.

The FanaProvider component takes a config prop where you should pass your initialized FanaConfig instance. It will then take care of setting up the FanaClient instance based on the config settings. It also creates a React Context (holding the client instance object), which you can access via the FanaContext export.

The FanaProvider component also sets up an EventSource with the Flag Bearer to allow for real-time flag updates.

Currently, only flags being toggled OFF will be streamed in real time. If the user refreshes the page, however, the SDK instance will be reinitialized with all of the latest updates.

To get access to the client instance's evaluateFlag() method in your components, simply use React's useContext hook and supply it with the FanaContext imported from the Fana React SDK. This will return the client instance object with access to the evaluateFlag() method.

For code examples, see the section on Using the React SDK.